How to choose the right web designer for you: If you discover it at the top of Google (with the keywords you typed) that’s an excellent start. It means that he knows about SEO and is able to promise the same result for you and your site. If you rely on word, contact colleagues and friends and inquire them which web designer they believe, what results they got after intervention, what is their technical skills are and above all his soft skills , i.e. the degree of
collaboration spirit
organizational and management skills
problem management and declaration
friendly tone of voice
These skills are essential for an outstanding collaborative relationship because mechanical skills can be learned and incorporated over the years, while soft skills are part of you and your celebrity. It is the good skills that make you select that web design. So how can we select them if we rely only on technical skills?
Another significant feature for selecting the right web designer is that his site must be helpful to you because I feel understood, called by name and taken by the hand towards my new success. The web designer of your thoughts, in fact, is listening carefully more on you than on himself . He presents his services to you in a obvious and straightforward way, specifying what he can do for you (and what not) and how he helps you resolve misgivings and difficulties.
What questions to ask the web designer?
Here I recommend some specific questions to ask the web designer whom you choose. Many clients admit to me that they feel a bit embarrassed to ask this type of questions because they often don’t know the right terms to use and their significance and they don’t imagine what goes into building and maintaining a site.
Do you use WordPress as a platform to create your website?
Do you build a vibrant site so I can manage it totally independently via an administration panel? Can you teach me how to knob it?
Is my site safe? Do you plan a episodic backup just in box?
You have a post-publishing website support plan for various interventions (WordPress template update, site restoration in case of problems, plugin update, email configuration assistance)
What hosting do you use? What features does it have?
And what other query would you ask the web designer of your dreams? Write it to me below and I’ll add it to the list.